
DIY Hot Tub Removal in the Florida

Embarking on the journey to remove an old hot tub in the sunny state of Florida requires some strategic planning and a few key tips. Whether you're dealing with the high temperatures, humidity, or the occasional wildlife encounter, this comprehensive guide will ensure your hot tub removal project is a breeze.

Tip 1: Timing is Everything

Especially in the summertime, when temperatures and humidity can soar, choosing the right time to tackle a hot tub removal is crucial. Opt for cooler periods, preferably early mornings or evenings, to make the process more bearable.

Tip 2: Beware of Local Wildlife

Be cautious of potential encounters with snakes or other wildlife (we had a family of crabs once), especially if the hot tub has been sitting unused for a while. Inspect the surroundings before diving into the removal process.

Tip 3: Equip Yourself for the Heat

Wear appropriate clothing for a hot climate – lightweight, breathable, and protective against the sun. Don't forget sunscreen, a hat, and stay hydrated throughout the process.

Tip 4: Invest in Quality Safety Gear

Invest in safety gear, including sturdy gloves, eye protection, and closed shoes, to protect yourself from unexpected hazards.

Tip 5: Utilize the Sawzall

Cutting the hot tub into manageable sections is the way to go if you don’t have enough strong hands to lift and carry the whole thing. Use a sawzall with the right fiberglass blade, keeping in mind that preserving panels may not be a priority.

Tip 6: Drain Water Strategically

It's common for hot tubs to retain water. Before diving in with the sawzall, strategically drain the water by creating small holes throughout to avoid any messy surprises during the cutting process.

Tip 7: Divide and Conquer

For larger hot tubs, consider cutting them into halves or quarters to make handling and transportation more manageable. Ensure you have a team of two for efficiency.

Tip 8: Access Pumps and Hoses

Take advantage of the opportunity to access pumps and hoses by removing any wheels. Shedding a few extra pounds can make the removal process smoother.

Tip 9: Utilize the Dump Bed Lip

Dump beds with taller lips offer a unique advantage. Position the hot tub at a 45-degree angle to make loading into the truck easier. This method is particularly effective for six to eight-person hot tubs.

Tip 10: Lift with Caution

Lifting heavy objects can be strenuous. Consider using a bucket on one side to elevate the hot tub, making it easier to slide into the truck.


DIY hot tub removal in the Florida sun requires a blend of strategic planning, safety precautions, and efficient cutting techniques. With these localized tips, you'll be well-equipped to tackle the project, ensuring a successful and stress-free hot tub removal process. See you in the next article with helpful (hopefully) DIY tips and tricks!

Need a Helping Hand with Your Hot Tub Removal?

We've walked you through the essential steps and tips for DIY hot tub removal. But, if you find yourself needing extra support or professional assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to us. Our team specializes in hot tub removal, and we're equipped to handle the challenges of Florida's weather and wildlife. Let us make your hot tub removal project seamless and stress-free. Contact us today to get a free no-obligation quote!

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